Dear Harijs and Sakari,
It seems to me (and maybe @cudroiu will confirm it) that the problems concern the extraction of the S1 features only. Maybe something to begin with could be to try a crop type with S2 features only (s2-only mode in the advanced parameters of the custom jobs tab). Can you try this?
On top of that, as explained by email to Sakari, another way to spot possible problems is to launch the crop type command manually from the linux console. In this way, during/after the process, you have access to the intermediate results (like the S2 and S1 features that are extracted by parcel) and you can potentially detect the problem. To do this, you can:
- Copy the command of the S4CCropType step corresponding to your L4A job (in monitoring tab)
- Change the working and output directories by a directory that you have created and that you can access
- The command should be somthing like this: -s 2 --season-start 2020-01-01 --season-end 2020-08-30 --working-path /mnt/archive/test/ --out-path /mnt/archive/test/ --tiles 32UQA 32UQV 33UUQ 33UUR 33UVQ 33UVR 33UVS 33UWQ 33UWR 33UWS 33UXQ 33UXR 33UYQ 33UYR 34UCA --lc 1234 --min-s2-pix 3 --min-s1-pix 1 --best-s2-pix 10 --pa-min 30 --pa-train-h 4000 --pa-train-l 1333 --sample-ratio-h 0.25 --sample-ratio-l 0.75 --smote-target 1000 --smote-k 5 --num-trees 300 --min-node-size 10 --mode both
But maybe @cudroiu will understand more directly the error log that you shared.
Best regards,