Hi Henry,
I had a look over the machine and I identified the following:
- somehow, the sen4cap services were not updated during the system upgrade to 2.0. Did you noticed any messages during the upgrade? What is strange is that the other components seem to be correctly upgraded. I updated the services to the latest version.
- The error with the parameterName was because the previous settings in the table “datasource” were kept for the Creodias datasource (and a parameterName property was previously present) but which is not valid now anymore. To correct this there are 2 solutions:
First Solution:
Directly change the entries in the datasource table like the following:
psql -U admin sen4cap
sen4cap# update datasource set specific_params = ‘{“parameters”:[{“name”:“productType”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“L1C”},{“name”:“s
tatus”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“all”}]}’ where name = ‘Creo DIAS’ and satellite_id = 1;
sen4cap# update datasource set specific_params = ‘{“parameters”:[{“name”:“processingLevel”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“LEVEL1TP”},{
“name”:“productType”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“L1TP”},{“name”:“status”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“all”},{“name”:“dataset”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“ESA-DATASET”}]}’ where name = ‘Creo DIAS’ and satellite_id = 2;
sen4cap# update datasource set specific_params = ‘{“parameters”:[{“name”:“processingLevel”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“LEVEL1”},{“n
ame”:“productType”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“SLC”},{“name”:“sensorMode”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“IW”},{“name”:“status”,“type”:“java.lang.String”,“value”:“all”}]}’ where name = ‘Creo DIAS’ and satellite_id = 3;
Please note that the query for S2 (satellite_id = 1) should be set to have “value”:“L2A” instead of “value”:“L1C” if your datasource is fetching L2A products from repository.
Second solution:
- rename the jar /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/lib/tao-datasources-creodias- into something not loadable by the services:
sudo mv /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/lib/tao-datasources-creodias- /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/lib/tao-datasources-creodias-
- restart services:
sudo systemctl restart sen2agri-services
- rename back the jar to its original name:
sudo mv /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/lib/tao-datasources-creodias- /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/lib/tao-datasources-creodias-
- restart again the services:
sudo systemctl restart sen2agri-services
- Go in the “datasources” tab and enable the Creodias datasources by setting:
- Scope = Query and download
- Fetch mode = Direct link to product
- Local root =
L8 = /eodata/Landsat-8/OLI_TIRS/L1T/
S1 = /eodata/Sentinel-1/SAR/SLC/
S2 = /eodata/Sentinel-2/MSI/L1C/ or /eodata/Sentinel-2/MSI/L2A/ (depending on what level you are interested in fetching) - User/password = test/test or whatever you want (is not actually used)
- Other parameters unchanged
Nevertheless, for your site d12provinces which is a multipolygon it seems that there are several queries made in parallel which in the end are rejected by Creodias Finder with the error: “Too Many Requests”. We are still analyzing this error but a quick fix might be to simplify the shapefile of your site.