I am using the USGS account for queries and downloads and so far sen4cap has never downloaded an L8 scene.
So i started to check the logs and I encounter this error:
Page #2 (query 1 of 1) for {site id=5,satellite=L8} returned 0 results
Query failed for site er_diamante (reason: Parameter [processingLevel] not supported by data source 'USGS' for sensor 'Landsat8'). It will be retried later.
[site 'ER_Diamante',sensor 'Landsat8'] Incorrect typed value for parameter [minClouds] : expected 'int', found '0'
[site 'ER_Diamante',sensor 'Landsat8'] Incorrect typed value for parameter [maxClouds] : expected 'int', found '100'
It’s that the cause for no have any L8 scene for my site?