Error in L4C processor

I am having difficulty retrieving a result from the L4C processor. I have succesfuly uploaded different versions of the file “L4C_NA” but every time I get the following message: “Error checking S4C_L4C preconditions for site test_sof_nigr. The practice NA does not have a configured practices file for year !.” the files I have uploaded are: (637 Bytes) (1.8 KB) (3.5 KB)
Any advice?


Hello sofiasiachalou,

Comparing your input tables with mine (where I do not have any problem), I observed that I only have “” in my table when the NA are.
otherwise can you look within the sql database in the l4c_practices table to see if you have data there ?
with something like :
psql -U admin sen4cap -c "select * from l4c_table where practice_short_name='NA' and year=2020"

I see that you are working with 2020 data. Did you check the year when uploading the configuration files and tables ?


Diane Heymans