Error Uploading LPIS file : Empty file


I have a problem uploading the LPIS file.
I made a shapefile with 3 columns : “ID_PARCEL”, “CROP_TYPE”, “ID_HOLDING”.
I added 10 parcels to the shapefile on the site i am monitoring, in order to test if it works. The zip of the shapefiles is 2.2 kB.
When I try to upload it using the “Upload Files” window in the editing mode of a site, I have an error. Here you can see the logs from sen2agri-services :

juil. 22 13:10:06 bastion.novalocal[22830]: 2022-Jul-22 13:10:06.028 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-1] o.e.s.web.ImportController - Upload of failed. Reason: Failed to store empty file
juil. 22 13:10:06 bastion.novalocal[22830]: 2022-Jul-22 13:10:06.036 ERROR [http-nio-8080-exec-1] o.e.s.web.ImportController - java.lang.NullPointerException: null
juil. 22 13:10:06 bastion.novalocal[22830]: at java.util.HashMap.merge(

Then, when I try again the error is : (Error: A job for operation Upload on site is already running)

Can you please help me figure out what i am doing wrong ?

Thank you,
