I have a question about visualitzation of the results in sen4cap Graphical User Interface. Once I’ve configured the study site and set up de study season I want to see the results in the products tab but cannot see any. Why?
Can you share some screenshots of how you’ve configured the "Data Souce " tab? Also, could provide the content of /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/config/services.properties file ( without passwords)?
Apply the following steps for all the data sources:
Change the [Scope] of the data source to “Query”
Change the [Fetch mode] to “Symbolic link” or “Direct link to product”
Set the [Local root] to the root path of the local product repository. Each data source can have its own local root.
Also, depending on the DIAS platform where the system is installed, the respective section from /usr/share/sen2agri/sen2agri-services/config/services.properties has to be uncommented . For more informatios see section from Sen4Cap Manual.
After you do all these settings, you should restart the sen2agri-services using