S1 Preprocessing issues since mid June 2021; SNAP?

Dear Jonathan,

The issue might to be due to a sporadic error in SNAP that manifests through a message like “/eodata/Sentinel-1/SAR/SLC/2021/07/13/dblbnd.adf (Is a directory);)”.
This error is happening sometimes when /eodata is mounted with s3fs.
You can check either the sen4cap services logs or in the downloader_history table, in status_reason, for the S1 products.
You can do (please note that the commands below are sql commands and you will have to first call “psql -U admin sen4cap”):

  • Set the flag “processor.l2s1.copy.locally” to true:

update config set value = true where key = ‘processor.l2s1.copy.locally’;

This option will force copying the SLC files on the local disk before starting the pre-processing, avoiding thus the above error. Once the processing is done, the copied SLC products are removed from the local disk.

  • Reset the products failed with:

delete from l1_tile_history where downloader_history_id in (select id from downloader_history where satellite_id = 3 and status_id = 6 and product_date > ‘2021-01-01’);

update downloader_history set status_id = 2 where satellite_id = 3 and status_id = 6 and product_date > ‘2021-01-01’;

  • You might also want to reset the S1 reports:

delete from reports.s1_report;
select * from reports.sp_insert_s1_statistics();

Hope that helps.

Best regards,


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