Dear SEN4CAP team & users,
I am using a fresh SEN4CAP installation version 2.0 (MAJA-3.2.2_TM).
The L2-S1 Pre-Processor has been running for two days now.
It seems to generate the Amplitude and Coherence products correctly. However, each iteration is displayed in the monitoring tab with the following error in the “Inspect product” step:
The error message is:
Cannot determine footprint for product SEN4CAP_L2A_S1_V20200412T172327_20200406T172416_VV_088_COHE. Reason: org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException: Type "PROJCRS" is unknow in this context.
at ro.cs.tao.eodata.GdalInfoWrapper.getMetadata(
at org.esa.sen4cap.preprocessing.Sentinel1Level2Worker.createProductMetadata(
at org.esa.sen4cap.preprocessing.Sentinel1Level2Worker.createProducts(
at org.esa.sen4cap.preprocessing.Sentinel1L2ProcessorV1.processProductPair(
at org.esa.sen4cap.preprocessing.Sentinel1L2ProcessorV1.processAcquisition(
at org.esa.sen4cap.scheduling.Sentinel1Level2Job.processSite(
at org.esa.sen4cap.scheduling.Sentinel1Level2Job.executeImpl(
at org.esa.sen2agri.scheduling.AbstractJob.execute(
at org.esa.sen4cap.scheduling.Sentinel1Level2Job.execute(
at org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool$
Caused by: org.opengis.referencing.FactoryException: Type "PROJCRS" is unknow in this context.
at org.geotools.referencing.factory.ReferencingObjectFactory.createFromWKT(
at org.geotools.referencing.CRS.parseWKT(
at ro.cs.tao.eodata.GdalInfoWrapper.getMetadata(
... 10 more
Caused by: java.text.ParseException: Type "PROJCRS" is unknow in this context.
at org.geotools.referencing.wkt.Parser.parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(
at org.geotools.referencing.wkt.Parser.parseCoordinateReferenceSystem(
at org.geotools.referencing.factory.ReferencingObjectFactory.createFromWKT(
... 12 more
Does anyone know this error? As I understand the error message, I have no influence on it. Or have i possibly configured or installed something incorrectly?
Does anyone know what exactly the function of the “Inspect product” step is? The products are apparently created correctly (I have already downloaded one as a test and looked at it in QGIS. I could not detect any anomalies). Can the products still cause problems later due to the failed inspection?
It would be very annoying if we now wait in vain for weeks for the results and could/should perhaps already intervene now.
I would be very grateful for any further advice or all-clear!